Related articles: Radiation Therapy, Breast Cancer Treatment, Brain Tumor Treatment, Health Insurance For example, according to information from the American Society of Clinical Oncology, each type of complication cost about $2,000-$4,000 per month in one group of patients studied. Medical care required for serious chemotherapy side effects such as anemia, infections and white blood cell problems can add substantially to the total cost.
But new drugs usually cost more: for example, Adcetris, a recently approved drug that treats recurrences of some types of lymphoma, can cost more than $120,000 for a course of treatment, and so does Yervoy, a new skin cancer drug. According to an article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, combination chemotherapy regimens typically used for advanced colorectal cancer can range from almost $12,000 to over $30,000 for an eight-week course, depending on the drugs. For example, according to research from the American Society of Clinical Oncology, one course of a drug for chemotherapy for breast cancer can cost about $900-$15,000, depending on the drug(s) and, if growth factor support is added to lessen side effects, that increases costs from more than $4,000 to more than $30,000. The price of chemotherapy drugs varies widely, depending on the drug.They charge about $780 for chemotherapy administration into the central nervous system, including a spinal puncture. Expect to pay $650, not including doctor fee or drug fee, for one hour of chemotherapy IV infusion, and about an additional $160 for each additional hour of treatment, with the same drug or another drug. They charge about $290 for chemotherapy IV push - a quick way of administering a drug through an IV - and $290 for each additional drug.

For example, to administer chemotherapy to a patient, Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center in Nebraska charges about $270 for an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection.

Total cost depends on the type of cancer, the individual case, drug regimen used, method of administration and length of time prescribed or number of treatments required.