If your Part D or MA plan has a prescription drug deductible, that will count toward the cap.If what Medicare Part D spends on prescription drugs per enrollee increases, that $2,000-a-year cap could also rise.

Sometimes using a mail order pharmacy is cheaper.For the first time in Medicare’s history, the amount of money that beneficiaries in drug plans will have to pay for their prescriptions each year will be capped, thanks to provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Check costs for mail-order pharmacies.Ask your doctor if you can take a generic drug, or a cheaper brand-name drug (if one’s available).Find out if your state offers help with drug costs.Check if the company that makes your drug offers help paying for it.Compare Medicare drug plans to find a plan with lower drug costs.Other ways to lower your prescription drug costs: Limited Income Newly Eligible Transition (NET) Programġ-80. Keep your receipts with your prescription drug prices, and call Medicare's Paid for prescriptions after you qualified for Extra Help.You may be able to get some money back if you: We can tell you your level of Extra Help and help you get your costs fixed with the plan. Your plan and Medicare will try to fix your issue before you run out of your medication. Tell your plan how many days of medication you have left. Once your total drug costs (what both you and your plan pay) reach $7,400, you’ll pay $0 for each covered drug. If you don’t get a letter from Medicare or Social Security, you’ll keep the same level of Extra Help and same plan for next year.You get moved to a different plan for next year.If you meet the income and resource limits for next year, you’ll keep getting Extra Help.Even if your income changes in the middle of the year, you’ll keep getting Extra Help through December 31. That you get Extra Help for the rest of the calendar year.What you’ll pay, depending on the “level” of Extra Help you get.You can pick a different Medicare drug plan if you want. We do this so you can get the cost savings you qualify for. Income and resource limits in 2023: Your situation: The income limit is based on your income from the previous year. In most cases, to qualify for Extra Help, you must have income and resources below a certain limit. Learn more about Medicare Savings Programs. Social Security will send information to your state to initiate an MSP application unless you tell them not to on the Extra Help application. These state programs provide help with other Medicare costs. You can apply for Extra Help and Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) at the same time.
You can also contact your local State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) to get free help applying. If you don’t automatically get Extra Help, you can apply for it: It tells you things like how much you'll pay, and your new Medicare drug plan, if you don't have one already. You'll get a letter about your Extra Help. Help from your state paying your Part B premiums (from a.You'll get Extra Help automatically if you get: Some people qualify for Extra Help automatically, and other people have to apply. You also won't have to pay a Part D late enrollment penalty while you get Extra Help. What’s a premium, deductible, coinsurance, or copayment? Premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and other costs. "Extra Help" is a Medicare program to help people with limited income and resources pay